I have also started to track other metrics recently to judge the performance of the CCIP. One of these metrics is to understand the overall “profit yield” in the portfolio. The “profit yield” normalizes the potential returns of each position on an annualized basis to determine an overall portfolio potential annualized return. My goal is to keep this number above 25%, and it currently stands at 28.65%. I will report this number with each monthly update from now on.
The 2009 Since Inception results are as follows:
1. Since Inception Results
CCIP Absolute Return (March 7 through October 31, 2009) = 56.77%
Benchmark S&P 500 (SPY) Absolute Return (March 7 through October 31, 2009) = 48.11%
The CCIP has outperformed the S&P 500 benchmark by a total of 8.66%
November 2009 Next Steps
The month of November is bound to be full of surprises, as it seems that the rally is losing steam. Lately, I have also heard a lot of talk about a head and shoulders pattern beginning to form, which could mean a large drop in the market in the near future. As a result of this uncertainty, I have started moving some of my money into more stable companies, which have strong dividends and are less dependent on an improving economy. As I noted above, my current strategy aims for a portfolio annualized return of 25%, however this is adjusted downwards from where it stood at the beginning of the month, which was 35%.
As of right now, my current strategies for the CCIP include:
- Near-month covered calls
- Long-term covered calls
- Ex-dividend Strategy
- Cash-Secured Put Strategy
- Put Spread Strategy
The strategy for establishing covered calls positions after November expiration will depend on what positions close ITM at expiration. I will establish new positions based upon my annualized return asset allocation strategy in order to hit an overall portfolio return of 25%.
As always, please post any thoughts or questions you have regarding the CCIP and the posts on the blog.